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Webinar: What is Depression?

Free Educational Webinar

What is Depression & What to do about It?

Psychoeducation and At-Home Interventions for Prevention.

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About this Webinar

Depression is a common experience. 7% of U.S.A. citizens in any given year experience depression (APA, 2015) yet, many feel alone in the struggle and don't know what to do.

This 50+ minute webinar was recorded with these people in mind. In this webinar, we normalize the experience of depression by sharing the symptoms, discuss the current development theory, and teach the participants easy, at-home interventions that they can use early in the development of depression which may decrease the symptoms of depression.

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Here's What You'll be Learning

Below is an image of the depression webinar outline. Check out what you'll be learning

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eBook about Depression and Early Intervention

Exclusive Webinar Offer

For webinar attendees only, you'll have the opportunity to purchase the accompanying eBook: Depression: At-Home Intervention Essentials & Psychoeducation for an exclusive price: $7.00 (USD).

This eBook contains the following content:

Diagnostic Criteria of Major Depressive Disorder

The Difference between Depression and Sadness

Complete a Self-Assessment for Depression Symptoms

Considerations about when and how to seek help.

12 Early Interventions that may Reduce Depressive Symptoms

Contains helpful links to research, applications, data and more.

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Important Webinar Details

This webinar is 52-minutes long and you should block an hour off on your schedule.

This webinar is pre-recorded and conducted in a "like-live" and interactive format. Some content of the webinar may be occurring "live".

This webinar is for educational purposes only and doesn't replace the advice of a qualified professional.

This webinar is not to be used to diagnose or treat of major depressive disorder or any other mental health problem.

If you find yourself needing emergent help, please call 9-1-1 and/or 9-8-8 for additional assistance.

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